Industries We Serve

Industries We Serve

We provide cash flow solutions to Service Providers, Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Distributors, Importer and Exporters, and a host of other industries.

Our focus is on young and growing companies including start-ups, minority, and women-owned businesses that sell goods and/or services on terms to other credit-worthy and reputable businesses (private or public and local, state, and federal government agencies). The following is a partial list of businesses we serve:

Businesses that are experiencing temporary cash-flow squeeze as a result of increasing sales, growing pains, expansion, seasonal fluctuations, acquisitions, high leverages, insufficient or used up credit lines.

Businesses that accept credit cards, debit cards, or allow installment payments for purchases.

Organizations and individuals that are receiving monthly installments from annuities or other instruments, or have outstanding personal injury or liability cases.


We Look Forward To Hearing From You!

What better way to get the peace of mind you need for you and your family than from an expert with decades of experience helping countless others in exactly the same way?

Reach out for assistance to ensure that your feeling of being in a rut over awaiting settlement doesn’t last long. We get plaintiffs the cash they need.

Waiting around won’t help you pay your expenses. We look forward to chatting about your financial needs and how we might be able to partner up to assist in achieving your goals. Here’s to your success!

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