Security CompanyFactoring

Security Company

Factoring Services

Access to a cost-effective and reliable source of funds is essential for a company’s success and growth in any competitive, high-stakes industry. Factor Funding Co. knows that security companies depend upon a steady cash flow from invoices in an industry in which services performed do not translate into immediate payment. A readily available source of funds could hamper the ability of your security business to pay for the personnel and equipment to fulfill current client demands.

Factoring Solution

for Cash Flow Shortages

In the fast-paced world of the security industry, small to medium-sized firms often find themselves without the financial cushion that larger entities enjoy. Their operational bandwidth might not always allow for multiple simultaneous assignments. To cater to each client’s needs, these firms must be ready to deploy both skilled personnel and the necessary equipment. After delivering their expertise and sending out invoices, the prolonged wait for payments can tighten their financial position, making it challenging to take on new projects until they receive the dues from completed ones.

Benefits of

Security Company Factoring

A company competing for business in the security industry must be prepared to add personnel and equipment as needed to fulfill the demands of an order for a new or existing client. Usually, services are performed and then invoiced for payment, but payment may not arrive for 30 to 90 days after the services are rendered. The delay in payment can strain a company’s cash flow and make it impossible to meet financial obligations including:

  • Employee payroll
  • Operating expenses
  • Additional and upgraded equipment
  • Travel expenses to expand business
  • Taking advantage of growth opportunities

Factor Funding Company has worked with companies nationwide to design solutions to their cash flow challenges. Invoice factoring for security companies convert uncollected accounts receivables into the working capital needed to meet current demands and achieve long-term growth.

Invoice Factoring

for Security Companies

Small or start-up companies frequently have difficulty obtaining financing through traditional sources such as bank loans or lines of credit. Even larger, more established security companies can have problems securing financing because of an owner’s poor credit history or not having sufficient assets to satisfy demands for collateral.

Factoring for security companies from Factor Funding Co. resolves the financing challenges of a security company quickly and easily. The advantages of invoice factoring include:

  • A fast, streamlined application process
  • Availability of factoring experts to explain and guide you through the process
  • No loan payment to add to your company’s accounts payables
  • A quick decision that can put the money to for you within 48 hours
  • No restrictions on how you use the money

Invoice factoring gives you up to 95 percent of the face value of your unpaid invoices. We base our decisions on an evaluation of your company’s outstanding invoices. If approved, there is no monthly payment because we collect the outstanding invoice from your customer.


Learn More About Security Company Factoring

What better way to finance your business than with an expert with decades of experience helping other security company owners grow their businesses?

Running a business isn’t easy, and figuring out financing on your own is even harder. Waiting around won’t help you pay your expenses.

Reach out to our financing experts to chat about your financial needs and learn how we can partner with you to help you achieve your business goals. Here’s to your success!

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