Real Estate Investment Fund

This specialized solution can provide funding based on outstanding notes, real estate value, or equity.

This provides your business with capital that can help it grow—and grow fast!

What is a Real Estate Investment Fund?

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Real estate investment funds provide businesses with an opportunity to secure necessary capital.

How Does a Real Estate Investment Fund Work?



Real estate investment funds are to provide funds based on the underlying value of commercial properties, outstanding notes, or equity exchange—with little or no restriction on the use of funds.

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Real Estate Investment Fund Process

step 2

Your request will be reviewed and a representative will contact you to discuss your status and options.

step 3

Once approved, arrangements will be finalized.

step verified

Once you have qualified for our service, your next real estate investment fund request will be available even faster.

Requirements For

Real Estate Investment Funds

Real Estate Investment Funds are available to businesses that have:

An underlying value to their commercial properties

Outstanding notes

Equity Exchange

Required Documentation
real estate investment funding documentation

To complete the real estate investment fund application, we may ask for some or all of the following:

  • Articles of Incorporation or Assumed Name certificates
  • Copy of applicants driver’s license and social security card
  • Accounts receivable aging and invoices
  • Copy of business/liability insurance
  • Customer list
  • Copy of contracts or purchase orders
  • Copy of operating authority (MC#_______) (Trucking)
  • Worker’s compensation insurance (temporary staffing firms)
  • List of all jobs currently working on (construction)
  • Federal Tax Identification #/W-9

A Real Estate Investment Fund

For Your Small Business

Who uses real estate investment funding? Small businesses that have outstanding notes, real estate value, or equity.

Benefits of a Real Estate Investment Fund

— Especially with Factor Funding
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Reduce Your Credit Risk and Grow Your Business

Don’t try and float debt on credit cards or consider other creative financing solutions that could risk your credit. Contact Factor Funding today to learn how to reduce your credit risk and grow your business through our real estate investment fund program.

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Years of Experience

Factor Funding has been around for 20 years. We provide merchant funding and other short-term loans and business services throughout the United States.

Get In Touch With Factor Funding

To Get Started with Real Estate Investment Funding

What better way to get the peace of mind you need surrounding your business financing than from an expert with decades of experience helping countless others in exactly the same way?

Reach out for assistance to ensure that your feeling of being in a rut over finances doesn’t last long. We get companies the quick cash they need to get things done in the here and now so they can focus on business success.

Waiting around won’t get you to the next level and help you reach goals you know your company is destined to achieve. We look forward to chatting about your business needs and how we might be able to partner with you!

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Other Small-Business Funding Options


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REAL ESTATE Investment Fund

This specialized solution can provide funding based on outstanding notes, real estate value, or equity...

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