Janitorial ServicesFactoring

Janitorial Company

Factoring Services

Janitorial service companies are involved in a labor intensive and highly competitive industry.

Keeping your company running requires cash for weekly payroll obligations and other operating expenses. Cash flow shortages are usually not a problem for large companies with unlimited cash reserves but small and medium-sized companies can suffer under the strain of cash shortages.

Factor Funding Co developed janitorial factoring for companies like yours that do not have the unlimited cash reserves of larger companies. Janitorial factoring can help your company conquer the cash flow challenges that threaten your company’s growth.

Cash Flow Challenges

of Janitorial Companies

Companies engaged in janitorial and maintenance services know how essential adequate and reliable cash flow is to the success of their businesses. Monthly invoices that are sent to customers who are slow to pay can cripple your business by draining cash reserves.

Janitorial factoring from Factor Funding Co will give your company the cash you can use to meet challenges to your company’s competitive advantage, including:

  • Paying payroll and operating expenses
  • Purchasing supplies
  • Maintaining equipment and vehicles
  • Expanding into new markets
  • Taking advantage of growth opportunities

What Janitorial Factoring

Can Do for Your Company

Factor Funding Co is a nationwide business that has been helping small and medium-sized companies plagued by cash flow shortages. Factor Funding Co knows how frustrating it can be for the owner or manager of a janitorial company to struggle to pay weekly operating expenses while customers take 30, 60 or 90 days to pay billed invoices. Your business cannot operate or grow without the money owed by your customers.

Janitorial factoring turns your outstanding invoices into immediate cash flow. Unlike bank loans, factoring does not add another monthly debt payment to your accounts payable. The money you receive through janitorial factoring is yours without the burden of repayment. Because janitorial factoring is not a loan, getting the money your company needs does not depend upon:

  • Lengthy loan application and documentation requirements
  • Owner’s past credit issues
  • Being a new company with little or no credit history
  • Insufficient collateral
  • Expensive loan application costs


Learn More About Janitorial Services Factoring

What better way to finance your business than with an expert with decades of experience helping other janitorial service company owners grow their businesses?

Running a business isn’t easy, and figuring out financing on your own is even harder. Waiting around won’t help you pay your expenses.

Reach out to our financing experts to chat about your financial needs and learn how we can partner with you to help you achieve your business goals. Here’s to your success!

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