Manufacturing is the backbone of industrial America, but it didn’t take long for overseas markets’ low prices to tempt American companies to outsource their work. Recently, new domestic growth has returned to manufacturing in the United States. Unfortunately, your company’s ability to take advantage of this growth opportunity could be lost due to cash flow problems.

Factor Funding Co. has an accomplished proven record in providing cash flow solutions to small- and medium-sized businesses through manufacturing factoring. Continue on to learn more about this type of funding.

Challenges to the Domestic

Manufacturing Industry

The manufacturing industry in the U.S. experienced a period of decline because of overseas competition. Several factors
Availability of supplies and materials

Lower overseas production costs
Domestic economic downturns
were to blame, including:

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Availability of supplies and materials

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Lower overseas production costs

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Domestic economic downturns

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The shift back to manufacturing domestically came about due to:

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An increase in domestically available supplies and materials

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Higher transportation costs on overseas goods

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Rising overseas labor costs Tariffs

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Currency fluctuations

Growth and a Need for

Manufacturing Factoring

If your company is engaged in the manufacturing industry as a manufacturer, distributor, or packaging company, maintaining an adequate flow of cash into your business is essential. For example, metalworking can be highly cyclical—machinery manufacturing requires continuous re-engineering.

All manufacturing companies need a readily available source of supplies and materials. Let’s examine how manufacturing factoring could be just the solution you were looking for.

How Manufacturing Factoring Can Help Your Company

All manufacturing companies need a readily available source of supplies and materials. Let’s examine how manufacturing factoring could be just the solution you were looking for.

  • Meeting payroll and operating expenses
  • Taking advantage of growth opportunities and investment of capital
  • Purchasing supplies and materials to fill current and future orders
  • Expansion into new markets
  • Upgrading and re-engineering machinery
  • Factory and plant expansion

The ability to only fill your current orders will not help your company to grow. Growth requires that you have sufficient cash flow so you can pursue larger future orders. Manufacturing factoring is a way to achieve the cash flow your company requires.

Use Invoice Factoring to Grow

Your Manufacturing Business

Invoice factoring can do your company a lot of good and help make sure there are no hold ups so business can run smoothly. Find out how this can help your company reach new heights.

How Manufacturing Factoring Can Help Your Company

Factor Funding Co. can help your company improve its cash flow by turning your outstanding invoices into cash you can reinvest into your business. Slow-paying customers can cripple your business. But not to fear—manufacturing factoring allows you to get cash today for your accounts receivables.

Bank loans can be slow and expensive. Manufacturing factoring is not a loan so your company does not have to be concerned about:

  • Owners’ past credit issues
  • Being a new company with no credit history
  • Insufficient assets for collateral
  • Burdening company with debt

Contact Us

For Your Small Business Funding Needs

Connect with Factor Funding Co. at 866-245-0020 or download our receivable factoring application form to find out even more about how we can meet your unique company needs and help you achieve your business goals.

You can also reach us directly by filling out this short form.

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