Pharmaceutical Company Factoring

Pharmaceutical Industry

Factoring Services

Why wait 30-90 days or more for customers to pay their bills. The survival of your pharmaceutical company depends upon a steady, predictable cash flow to meet its expenses. Pharmaceutical company factoring turns your outstanding customer invoices into the cash you need to operate and grow your company.

Doing Business

in a Competitive Environment

The competitive nature of the pharmaceutical industry has become worse in today’s difficult economic times. Chances are that your customers use your pharmaceutical company’s invoices to manage their cash flow challenges by extending payment periods longer and longer. The solution to their cash flow woes creates your company’s cash flow shortage.

Large pharmaceutical companies can weather fluctuations in receivables by tapping into cash reserves or bank lines of credit. A new or small- to medium-sized pharmaceutical company probably does not have the same readily available capital resources as its larger or well-established competitors. The reasons for this might include:

  • Lack of an established credit history
  • Insufficient earnings record to satisfy bank underwriters
  • Poor personal credit record of the owners

Cash Flow Solutions

for Your Pharmaceutical Company

Pharmaceutical company factoring converts your invoices that are awaiting payment into immediate cash for your company’s needs including:

  • Paying payroll and other current operating expenses
  • Replenishing inventory
  • Financing expansion
  • Funding research and development into new products
  • Meeting the capital needs associated with growth

Factor Funding Co. has been providing cash flow solutions to companies of all sizes and in all industries nationwide. Its pharmaceutical company factoring offers your business the opportunity to convert up to 80 percent of its outstanding invoices instantly into the cash your company needs.

Because it is not a bank loan or a line of credit, there is no time-consuming application and approval process requiring financial statements and credit reports. The amount of your invoices determines how much money your company will receive.

Invoice factoring does not burden your company with a monthly payment, After your pharmaceutical company receives the initial advance, the factoring company collects the invoice from the customer and pays you the remaining balance after deducting its fee. Factor Funding Co. takes your company out of the collections business and lets it concentrate on the pharmaceutical business.

Quick and Easy

Pharmaceutical Company Factoring Solutions

The pharmaceutical company factoring consultants at Factor Funding Company will tailor a solution best suited to satisfy your company’s capital and cash flow needs. Invoice factoring gives your company cash to use without restrictions. Whether you need money for operating expenses or capital to invest in market expansion opportunities, the experts at Factor Funding Company can show you how our programs can work for your business.


Learn More About Pharmaceutical Industry Factoring

What better way to finance your business than with an expert with decades of experience helping other pharmaceutical company owners grow their businesses?

Running a business isn’t easy, and figuring out financing on your own is even harder. Waiting around won’t help you pay your expenses.

Reach out to our financing experts to chat about your financial needs and learn how we can partner with you to help you achieve your business goals. Here’s to your success!

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