Furniture CompanyFactoring

Furniture Company

Factoring Services

Companies in the furniture manufacturing and distribution industry know how critical adequate supplies and raw materials are to the growth and success of their businesses. Having adequate cash flow is critical but customers who are slow to pay their invoices can create cash flow challenges for even the most successful businesses. Invoice factoring for furniture companies from Factor Funding Company helps companies of all sizes resolve their cash flow concerns.

Challenges Facing

Furniture Companies

When buyers demand favorable credit terms that can put a strain on your company’s cash reserves, inadequate cash flow can cause a number of problems, including:

  • Being unable to meet payroll
  • Having insufficient cash to purchase materials and supplies
  • Not being able to modernize operations
  • Being unable to repair and maintain equipment and machinery

Bank financing is not an available option for most furniture companies. Besides the lengthy loan application process that makes bank financing impractical to meet critical immediate needs, other obstacles to financing through a bank include:

  • Business owners with past credit issues
  • New companies with little or no credit histories
  • Obtaining documentation to satisfy application requirements
  • Loan repayments that place additional burdens on a company’s cash reserves

Factor Funding Company provides your furniture company with alternatives to bank financing that can turn your receivables into cash. Your unpaid invoices become immediate cash for you to use in your business without burdensome loan payments.

Furniture Company

Factoring Solutions

Factor Funding Co offers nationwide furniture company invoice factoring. Your outstanding accounts receivables are turned into cash today, not 30, 60, or 90 days after invoices are sent to customers. Furniture company invoice factoring has the following benefits:

  • Steady and predictable influx of cash
  • Avoid bank loan application hassles
  • Company owner’s personal credit history is not an issue
  • No additional debt
  • Cash is immediately available

The key to growth in the furniture industry is having the ability to take advantage of new opportunities, such as expansion into new markets. Furniture invoice factoring can provide your company with the cash it needs to purchase materials for current orders, expand facilities, acquire equipment and take advantage of new growth and market expansion opportunities.


Learn More About Furniture Company Factoring

What better way to finance your business than with an expert with decades of experience helping other furniture company owners grow their businesses?

Running a business isn’t easy, and figuring out financing on your own is even harder. Waiting around won’t help you pay your expenses.

Reach out to our financing experts to chat about your financial needs and learn how we can partner with you to help you achieve your business goals. Here’s to your success!

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